is a nonprofit organization that seeks to serve those suffering from addictions and unhealthy attachments (including alcoholism, drug addiction, pornography addiction, sex and relationship addiction, compulsive overeating and food addictions, gambling addiction, codependency and the impact on family, and general fear, control, and anxiety). The organization was started by the passion of Scott Weeman as he found healing and new life through the help of twelve step recovery and the sacramental love and mercy provided by the Catholic Church. We support parishes and communities with group resources that draw people closer to these two powerful sources of grace. It is the aim of Catholic in Recovery to share the Good News that God can bring about healing and recovery, even in the most hopeless of cases. Catholic in Recovery is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
of every encounter and interaction that one has with our organization is connection—connections with others who have struggled or still struggle from a similar state of hopelessness as well as connection to Jesus Christ, the Lord that delivers new life. This organization was started as a call from God, and He will continue to be the source of all functions and organizational development as we reach out to serve parishes, communities, and individuals across the world.
Throughout the country host Catholic in Recovery ministry programs. read about the group at Our Lady of Sorrows. Meetings combine the spiritual principles of 12 step recovery and the sacraments of the Catholic Church. Join us as we overlap Scripture from Sunday Mass, liturgical themes, and recovery topics with honest discussion and prayer. Confidentiality is protected. Welcoming those recovering from addiction: Alcohol, Drugs, Overeating, Gambling, Pornography & sex, Codependency, Other unhealthy attachments. Click here for an audio description of the program.