Saturday: 5 PM Sunday: 8:30 AM / 11:00 AM Wed. - Fri: 12:00 Noon (Tuesday 12pm mass in Lent and Advent).
Annointing of the sick is no longer offered onfirst Fridays. If your loved one needs to be annointed, don't wait until the last minute, please call us immediately in the office, request for the priest or present yourself and ask the priest for the sacrament after any mass. Annointing is also celebrated quarterly during weekend masses, please check the bulletin or calendar for upcoming schedule or call the office.
Holy Days of Obligation: 12:00 Noon / 7 PM (please check the home page and bulletin for the most current schedule)
Adoration: Tuesdays and Thurdays from 8AM to 6 PM (may close at 3pm if no one is present) - Stop by the parish office during office hours for the access code.