Mass: the parish offers weekday masses Wednesday through Friday at 12pm and Tuesday thru Friday in Lent and Advent. Sunday masses are Vigil at 5pm and sundays at 8.30am and 11am. Mass is the most important prayer for us catholics. In deed, the eucharist is the center of our life and the soul of our spiritual life. One never goes wrong by having deep love for mass and the Holy Eucharist. Proper preparation before mass is essential to reaping the benefits of this sacrament. This includes arriving early to pray and dispose oneself before mass, meditating on the readings of the day and finding silent time to pray before the blessed sacrament before mass begins.
Adoration: Would you not spend an hour with me? Holy hour or Holy half hour before Jesus in the blessed sacrament forms who we are and draws us closer to Jesus. The parish offers adoration on Tuesdays and Thursdays during office hours. All you need to do is ask for the door code and you can always pray before Jesus in the church.
Stations of the cross and benediction: These are offered in Lent and Advent on Fridays at 6pm. We gather together to meditate on the mystery of God's love for us. How Jesus who gave his life to die for our salvation continues to walk with us every day and desires our healing, our joy and our freedom. This devotion is very fulfilling spiritually and very popular and well attended. A soup supper is generally available following the station of the mass.
Holy Rosary: "Do whatever He tells you," Mary told the servants. She told the desperate servants to do whatever Jesus tells them because she knew how to intervene on behalf of the servants. Mary always presents our needs to God and to her Son. She is our intercessor. What mother will ever forget her sons and daughters? We are her children, Jesus bestowed us to her at the foot of the cross, "Woman, behold your son/children." One of the ways we draw closer to Mary as her children is by praying the Holy Rosary and we do that here before every mass. We trust her as our mother and as the most perfect and faithful disciple, she teaches us how to say yes to God and she intercedes, prays for us now and also at the hour of our death. We Christians need all the help we can get, so though we pray to Jesus directly, we believe also in the communion with all the saints (the church in heaven). Mary doesn't lead us to herself, she always leads us to Jesus, so teh rosary is not about her, in deed when we pray the Rosary, we meditate with her on the mysteries of the life of her Son, his sacrificial love for us. For example in Joyful mysteries, we meditate on how Jesus was conceived and came to dwell among us. In sorrowful mysteries, we reflect on how this Jesus suffered, died and rose from the dead and redeemed us. We present our sufferings and unite them to his. And in Glorious mysteries, we celebrate the joy of the resurrection and the eternal life that awaits us because of His triumph over evil, sin, pain and death. The beautiful thing is that we do all this reflection with Mary by our side asking her to pray for us, to help us look at the face of her son as she does.
Divine Mercy Chaplet: We have novena and prayers in October and a huge annual celebration on Divine mercy Sunday from 2pm. A time for confessions, mass, procession and adoration and benediction.
Other spiritual materials and opportunities: at both entrances of the church, we avail various spiritual readings, devotions, novenas, litanies that people can take home to use. We recommend Surrender Novena that is changing lives as we surrender all to Jesus to "take care of everything." Every year we also organise pilgrimage(parish retreat) to different places like the grotto to spend a day in prayer and reflection. Parishioners are always welcome to plan and invite the priest to join for mass, confessions and some inspiring talks. Check with the pastor or the assistant for more details.