The OLS Prayer Chain Ministry responds to the prayer requests left on the office’s Prayer Line, or that are requested in some other manner. It’s called a “prayer chain” because prayer links those in need and those praying for them in a very special way. Parishioners who sign up accept the responsibility to pray regularly for those who make their needs known, and to honor all aspects of confidentiality. When a prayer request comes in, you will be notified by the prayer request coordinator by email, or if you prefer, by a telephone call. You are free to choose the time, place, and method of prayer for these requests. This is a wonderful ministry opportunity for those who may be unable volunteer in a more physical way. Some volunteers may even prefer to pray for the requested intentions during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Tuesdays and Thursdays (8 am to 8 pm).
To volunteer to be part of the prayer chain, call us in the Parish Office at (503) 775-6731.
Prayer Line: (503) 775-6731, Ext. 111-The Our Lady of Sorrows Prayer Line is open for your requests. We have prayer volunteers ready to pray for your needs, be it a loved one who has died, a surgery coming up, a sick, suffering, or homebound friend, or a special occasion. Please call, for we are here to help. May God bless and comfort you.
Prayer Corner in the bulletin - Please contact us in the Parish Office at (503) 775-6731 if you wish to have someone's name placed in the bulletin for prayers. There is usually a 4 week limit in order to have room for others who are in need of prayer. You can always request further prayers as needed.