1. Please read the SVDP quarterly report. Join us for annual golf tournament on 8/16/24
We all see a number of people on the street with signs stating their requests for assistance. These individuals are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. There are many others who need assistance who are far less visible. Some of these contact the St. Vincent de Paul Council office in Portland requesting assistance.
Our Lady of Sorrows St. Vincent de Paul Conference fulfills its service primarily through delivery of food (a 3-5 day supply) and basic hygiene and cleaning products to those in need as well as providing food at local Free Fridges and also limited assistance with rent and utilities payments to those living within the parish boundaries. The number of food deliveries has varied between 25 – 55 per month (avg: 46/month) representing about 130 people a month who need assistance to supplement what they have in order to make it through the month. Depending on the number of requests and the size of the households, we have delivered approximately 3000 pounds of food per month.
Our Lady of Sorrows St. Vincent de Paul Conference partners with the Oregon Food Bank (oregonfoodbank.org) and the Clackamas Service Center to obtain most of the food that we distribute to those in need. Parishioner donations of food are always welcome. We also partner with the Pongo Fund (www.thepongofund.org) to obtain dog and cat food to distribute to our clients.
First, prayers always. Prayers for those in need in our parish that they will find all of the help they need. Pray that those in need will reach out to the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Prayers that those of us in the St. Vincent de Paul Society of Our Lady of Sorrows do our part for those in need in a way that shows respect and recognizes the dignity of the individuals in the households we assist.
Second, continue your donations. Thank you for all the support that you provide to Our Lady of Sorrows St. Vincent de Paul Society. Your generous donations of cash, food or other household supplies are very much appreciated.
Third, and certainly not least, we can always use a few additional volunteers. You do not have to be a full-time volunteer. A few hours a week delivering food (we deliver Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons each week - about 2-3 hours each day), or receiving food from the Oregon Food Bank (deliveries received every other Thursday morning), or cleaning the food pantry would be very helpful. You may volunteer every week, every other week, or even once a month. We deliver food in pairs so you are never working alone. Even a few additional volunteers on an ad hoc basis to assist with deliveries when others are not available would be great. If you wish to learn more about volunteer opportunities, please contact the Karen Meade at 301-367-7214.
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
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